With all of the rain this spring, our berry bushes are bursting! Each year we add more berry bushes around the ranch hoping to attract more birds. Different species of shrubs provide berries for the birds throughout the seasons. Here is a sampling of our berries as we move into the month of August.
Canada Cherry (not yet ripe)-
Chokecherry- a favorite of the robin and waxwings.
Currants- different varieties with
different colored berries.
Red-osier Dogwood- a personal
favorite of mine (and the birds).
Scarlet Elder- beautiful red berries
that the birds never touch.
Honeysuckle- At least two different varieties- orange and red berries.
Raspberries- just planted last year.
Serviceberry- pronounced "Sarvisberry"
and devoured by the most species
of birds on the ranch.